Thursday, May 7, 2009

9/11 Engenders More Victims---and the Perp is the U.S. Government

Your and my U.S. federal government will likely initiate eminent domain proceedings soon in order to seize 500 acres worth of property from landowners in Pennsylvania so that it can build a national park commemorating what happened aboard flight 93 on 9/11.

So not only are we going to continue to wallow in that tragedy, but now we are forcing innocent third parties to fork over their land at the point of a court order in a totally unnecessary action that is actually a victory for Middle East terrorists.

Why does this deal do our enemies favors? Because it looks like we are still sobbing over the events of that notorious day like a bunch of pussies to the degree that we are willing to seize privately owned land in order to enable said whimpering. Terrorists will be high fiving each other that their evil continues to resonate deeply within us.

Moreover, the landowners will not have been directly victimized not by sociopathic foreign conspirators, but by their own government. This is a Monty Python level absurdity!

There are more dignified and reasonable ways to commemorate the flight 93 incident. A national park requiring the exercise of eminent domain isn't it.

Nice job HuffPo for ignoring this instance of wretched governmental excess.

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