Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tales Too Ticklish to Tell

Lost amid all the celebrity gossip on Huffington Post were these important news items:

FBI Hires Convicted Con Man to Infiltrate Islamic Mosques in Southern California. Said Con Man Then Swindles Taxpayers, the FBI Itself and Various Civilians.

Pentagon Slow to Recover Unearned Millions from Defense Contractor.

Alaska Republican Pleads Guilty to Bribery in Oil Tax Bill Scandal.

Alabama Governor Committed Two Federal Crimes; Media Ignores it.

Film Outs Florida Governor and Closet Case Charlie Crist.

Mexican-American Hate Groups Do Immigration Advocates No Good. Gustavo Arellano Exposes the Pendejos.

Anti-White Hate Songs Popular in Mexico.

The Catholic Church Continues to Move Pedo Priests Around, Unbeknownst to Spanish Parishioners.

Obama Homeland Security Candidate Bullshits the Locals With Bogus Assertions on the L.A. Crime Rate.

So-Called Moderate Minnesotat Governor and Presidential Aspirant Tim Pawlenty Hops on the Homophobe Express.

Media Myths and Falsehoods About the Supreme Court.

Convicted Murderer Has Ties to L.A. Mayor and Possible Future Gubernatorial Candidate Tony Villaraigosa as well as cokehead councilman Mike Hernandez.

Bid to Put More Cops on the Street Turns into a Hustle and Villaraigosa is Mixed Up in it.

Villaraigosa Helped Developer Skirt Environmental Rules.

Bipartisan Corruption in Philadelphia Tax Board.

Republican Convict Pol Greeted "Warmly" in Tennessee Capital.

Pols Gone Wild.

GOP Pol Used Privilege in Attempt to Avoid DUI Ticket After Being Caught Exceeding 100mph.

Do You Have to be Mormon to Get a Job or Run a Business in Idaho? These Folks Say Yes.

Congress Critters Continues to Manipulate Wikipedia.

VD More Popular Than Orrin Hatch in Utah. This is Not a Drill.

Is Mormon Church's Homophobia Strengthening Pro-Gay Cause?

Poll Finds Iowans Hating GOP Bigtime.

Former Republican Alaska Governor Gets Bad News on Discrimination Claim Against Him.

Arlen Specter is Gay! (Satire)

Young People to Republican Homophobia: Epic Fail.

NY Latinos Conservative Socially---and Favor Democrats.

Lack of Affordable Health Care Costing Texas Big.

History Channel Should Know: Republicans Living in the Past.

Texas Republican Pol in Cahoots With Crooks and Yet Calls Himself a Victim.

Michele Bachmann Nominated for A Darwin Award (Satire).

Anti-Gay Evangelist a Tax Cheat. And is His Foundattion a Scam?

New Federal Rule Blamed for Keeping Seattle Condo Buyers Homeless.

Seattle Police Panting Over Gay Porn.

Former DEA Agent Facilitating Crack Cocaine Sales?

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