Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Media Credibility and Lack of Professionalism

So Wednesday, as Huffington Post showed, the White House briefing was interrupted several times by the ringing cellphones of reporters. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs confiscated one of the offending devices and hurled it into a hallway. That still didn't stop others from TAKING calls during the briefing, including the asshole from CBS.

Here is what Gibbs should do: next time a cellphone goes off in the briefing room, he announces that the session is over and leaves. And he keeps doing this until they finally get the message.

That supposed media pros can't hold to the kind of conduct expected of schoolchildren, that is, keep your cellphones off until the event ends, shows not just incredible disrespect to government officers and our democracy, but it also demonstrates the arrogance and boorishness of what passes for journalists these days.

I would normally say that the media should be ashamed of itself, but it has no shame, so such an assertion would be fruitless.

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