Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Innocent 16 Year Old Taken Away by FBI Under Patriot Act; Case Has Ominous Implications for National Security and Personal Freedom

The FBI, along with North Carolina state troopers, busted down the door of a house late at night recently and arrested a 16 year old boy on terrorism charges under the Patriot Act. However, not only is he almost certainly innocent, but our top federal law enforcement agency is apparently incapable of spotting IP spoofing.

At this time, they are holding the boy somewhere in Indiana and has not been allowed to see anyone and a gag order has been imposed on all the officers involved in the teen's seizure.

I urge everyone to write your Congresspeople about this case as well as President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Se TV news report here.

So if the FBI is helpless against IP spoofing then how do we expect them to investigate more complex computer related cases competently? We can't. This case is great news for domestic and foreign enemies. Really, it is both scary and pathetic.

And it puts every citizen of this country who is on the internet at risk of a false arrest and detention with no due process rights.

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