Monday, May 18, 2009

Rachel Maddow's Ratings Drop

There was this piece in HuffPo about a decline in the ratings of MSNBC hots Rachel Maddow. I posted the following comment:

What's disturbing to me is the marketing of news program hosts and anchor people as celebrities to the exclusion of quality of news content.

Rachel's show is pretty journalistically meaty (not to get on a Talk Soup parody thing) and her criticisms of Obama's refusal to deal with the torture issue as it should be (prosecutions all around) is a worthy topic because Obama is sweeping it under the rug while the rest of the world waits and hopes we finally cleanse ourselves by recognizing the enormity of the crimes committed by the Bush Administration. Yeah, nobody wants to hear about the U.S. torturing because it's pretty painful to accept, but somebody has to keep the fire lit under Obama's behind about it. The media already ignores enough sleaze.

If you want bimbos and himbos discussing pre-digested pablum (Fox News and just about any local news program you can name), then watch that. But you're doing you and your country a disservice.

It doesn't matter that it's Rachel giving us this stuff. It's that SOMEONE is. I don't care about her appearance, the set, or whatever. It's about content. Her show delivers it.

As for why she doesn't get more political guest, they are scared. They saw what she did to Colin Powell and exposed the fact that he's a douchebag. She has become the new Mike Wallace, the person no scam artists wants to be confronted by because even Chris Wallace has punted on being that. .

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