Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flashback: Returning Korean War POWs Discuss Treatment at Hands of Chinese

There is no way to sugarcoat how incompetent and brutal the Communist Party has been, and continues to be, in China, killing untold millions of its own people thanks to political and logistical abortions such as the 100 Flowers Movement and the Cultural Revolution.

However, the L.A. Times, in an edition dated May 18,. 1959 offered an interview with two American soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Chinese forces during the Korean War (1951-1953). With all the discussion over how Americans have treated detainees at Bagram Air Base, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the Times article, which you can view here, should prove a startling contrast.

The caveat here, obviously, is that this is anecdotal, but nonetheless food for thought. .

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