Sunday, May 10, 2009

When You Go to Bat for Idiots, You Look Like One, Too

Huffington Post contributor Daniel Cubias is angry about the boys who assaulted a Mexican immigrant being found not guilty on the most serious charges agianst them. The immigrant, Luis Ramirez, later died from his injuries. Cubias then goes on to equate what happened here to the Rodney King case. Unfortunately, Cubias is voting his hood and not the facts.

But before I get to why Cubias is as full of shit as your average elephant, let's revisit who ol' Rodney was for a minute:

A wifebeating drug user and alcohol addict, King pummeled the living bejusus out of a convenience store owner during a robbery, permanently disabling the immigrant shopkeeper. The idiotic L.A. justice system gave King a slap on the wrist and he was back out on the street in a year.

Then during the incident that made him thw world's most famous felon, he got high on PCP and, together with three passengers, he lead police on a high speed chase in his Hyundai. They eventually stopped him. The three passengers all surrendered peacefully and were quietly taken to jail, a fact you never see cited in the press. King, though, was acting erratically and a female officer drew her weapon with the intention of killing him. Officer Lawrence Powell ordered her to reholster her weapon. He wouldn't follow orders and was acting in a bizarre manor. Attempting to subdue him, they clubbed him again and again (they should have just blown his worthless ass away). The beating itself was the only thing most folks saw. A jury in Simi Valley justly aquitted the officers. Blacks decided to use that as an opportunity to go burn Koreatown to the ground and hispanics and whites from UCLA decided to join in on the looting, resulting in the military having to be called in at one point.

That pussy G.H.W. Bush, then had his justice department go after the officers in an egregious display of cowardice and political correctness.

Okay, now let's move on to Ramirez.

What started the conflict with the high school football players was that Ramirez, 26, was seen in a park with his 15 year old girlfriend. Yes, you read that correctly, a grown man was porking (presumably) a 15 year old. One of the youths remarked to the girl, "a little late for you to be out, isn't it?" So now we have a case where Cubias is calling a pedophile the morally superior party here. Isn't that a little ridiculous? Is the Pope German?

Anyway, the remark somehow set Ramirez off and he initiated the brawl and got his ass kicked.

The teenagers, acting like impulsive kids do, also shouted the usual anti-hispanic profanities we all know and loathe while they hammered him with their fists and feet.

The kids started to walk away. But then more words were exchanged and Ramirez went after one of the teenagers again and was on the receiving end of a stright righthand that resulted in his death. Yes, after a good beatdown and despite being outnumbered, he goes back for more. Makes sense to me. Or not.

So let's look at the totals here: pedophile goes after kids who merely think it weird a 15 year old is out with a 25 year old man late at night. He gets his head handed to him. He then comes back for more. And you're attempting to tell me these kids were in any way responsible?

Look, the best scenario would have been for someone to call the cops on Ramirez for being a pedophile rather than getting mixed up in a rat packing. That Ramirez thought he had any moral standing to go after these kids with his fists, much less being one guy against young high school football players, is laughable.

What killed Ramirez was a combination of pedophilia, machismo and stupidity. I'm going to perhaps make some of the more lunkheaded out there really angry, but it is for the best that a 26 year old who seeks out 15 year olds for sex is no longer with us. Deal with it.

But don't misunderstand me, either. The kids weren't heroes of any stripe. This whole situation was a bit like Albert Camus "The Stranger" and these kids are the protagonist. The kids are also lucky that Ramirez wasn't concealing a firearm on him.

And let this be a lesson to you: you see something out of line like Ramirez and his 15 year old paramour, then call the cops. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and mind your own business lest you risk a whole lot of sudden unpleasantness in your life.

Oh, and MALDEF, which is a Hispanic Supremacist group, can suck my dick.

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