Friday, May 8, 2009

Conservative Failures Reviving Communism in Japan

Contrary to its name, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in Japan is more akin to the Republicans, a conglomeration of over-represented rural constituencies and big business that is also allied with the Yakuza (Japan's version of the Mafia) and far right neo-fascist groups.

Unfortunately,. the corruption arising out of the mix has resulted in what many in that country fear is becoming a "karyu shakai (underclass society)" more akin to the income distribution of Brazil.

Of course, a reaction to that is inevitable and that is benefiting the marginalized Japanese Communist Party, as the BBC Reveals.

Japan has long also had a Socialist Party, but its old fashioned brand of neo-Marxism and general impotence as well as scandals within it have lent it declining public credibility.

Related Article.

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