Thursday, May 21, 2009

Iraqi Refugees Treated Like Shit by U.S. Government

For you chuckleheads out there who still think that the situation in Iraq is just hunky dory thanks to your boy Bush, here is a motherfucking clue it ain't.

Yes, in a country the supposedly good Christians of the USA "liberated," Chaldean Christians are being raped, beaten and killed by Muslim zealots. So thousands of them have fled to the U.S. and have mainly settled in El Cajon, which is now becoming Little Baghdad (kind of like how a section of Garden Grove, CA became Little Saigon in the wake of the Vietnam War) after being treated like shit by our wonderful (or not) INS.

Heckuva job there George and Barack!

And if that weren't bad enough, the Bush Administration left an intelligence asset in Iraq to twist in the wind and he is still alive today because some Marines intervened on his half and smuggled him out of Iraq. If Bush can't even keep this guy safe, you think he was competent to keep the U.S. out of harm's way? Only if you believe that Harry Potter is a real person.

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