Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Did HuffPo Miss the Point on Shuster Debate Over Homophobe Beauty Queen?

In a screaming headline in its Media section, Huffington Post featured a heated series of changes between David Shuster, Contessa Brewer and Tamron Hall over Carrie Prejean's various scandals. HuffPo basically covered it like as typical media carney show, a bunch of fury signifying nothing.

However, to me, it is evident that Shuster is fed up with all the trivial bullshit he is forced to talk about by his bosses and Prejean was merely just in the way. The whole Prejean saga is a big non-story. It's not like there has exactly been a paucity of vapid conservative pagaent contestants over the years. This is about as much news as the existence of smog in L.A.

MSNBC's penchant for, in effect, trivializing the value of its news department with stuff that is better left to the cretins on E! is just a further indication that they are more interested in entertaining you but not necessarily informing you.

And the media, the big dumb creature that it is, wonders why nobody takes it seriously anymore. Forcing Keith, Rachel and Shuster to talk about this stuff is the journalistic equivalent of them being waterboarded by their bosses.

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