Saturday, May 30, 2009

Censorship at Huffington Post and ESPN

Over the last couple days, I have had most of my comments censored even though none of them violated the site's posting guidelines. I know, everybody has had that experience and it is the main thing that makes Al-Arianna so frustrating.

Anyway, everyone knows about HuffPo's product placement relationship with the Orange County hegemons at Disney and one of my deleted comments had to do with who I wanted to see go at ESPN. So I present them here and I am sure you will agree with me.

Jettisoning Stephen A. Smith was a good start, as his George Jefferson act got old real fast. But they also need to drop that brown nosing blowhard, Dick Vitale, who makes me change channels everytime he is on. Vitale, who had a short stint at Detroit University as a basketabll coach, is now in the Basketball Hall of Fame only because his tongue has rimmed the right folks. He has about as much right to be enshrined as Chuck Cottier does in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Next on the chopping block should be whoever the blithering idiot they make the excellent Pam Ward put up with on their collegiate softball broadcasts. Not only does this bimbo talk too much, she often doesn't know what she's talking about and seems to be there to be a cheerleader more than an analyst. Compared to her, Fernando Vina is Vin Scully.

And speaking of "Mr. I Can't Criticize Anyone" and steroid abuser Vina, he has to go, too, as does Eric "I can't string two words together coherently" Young. How in God's name anyone could decide to hire these two spluttering bozos is beyond any rational contemplation.

Next to receive a pink slip should be sideline stroke queen Erin Andrews, who is notoriously (and unprofessionally) touchy and huggy with players in the locker room. She sets the cause of women in broadcasting back 40 years.

And can anyone, and I mean anyone, tolerate Chris Berman and his cloying nicknaming of players, his general pomposity and assholiness as well as his pathetically overweening constant attempts to prove that he's hip? I didn't think so. This guy's style is as dated as faux wood paneling.

1 comment:

  1. I looked up your profile on HuffingtonPost after it seemed yours was the only truly sensible comment posted on two pages of comments regarding that douchebag Billy Mays (or whoever the fuck he was.)

    I posted on TMZ the following:

    Just glad he's dead. Too bad he wasn't strangled with a ShamWow. As far as the rest of you idiots you are the types of morons who celebrate or even watch infomercials.

    The words TV pitchman and leganadry should never be used in the same sentence. Have you morons stopped to consider just how toxic those products have to be to do the things they claim? Someone with actual talent like Michael Jackson dies and tons of ignorant people respond good riddance. This douchebag dies and people actually give a rats ass. But then if you're the type of person that even watches infomercials or turns on the Home Shopping Network there's no hope you'll ever grow a brain anyway.

    The response was instant and brutal-Ha Ha. And you thought Americans just might grow a few brains.

    Not as long as they celebrate useless douchebags like Billy Mays.

