Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tales Too Ticklish to Tell

It's Fiscal Gotterdammerung in California,. the World's 8th Largest Economy, After Several Misbegotten Propositions Fail to Pass (Though State Legislators Will Have to Take an 18% Pay Cut With the Passage of One Proposal).

Liberal Shame: The L.A. City Council Raping Taxpayers, Says Liberal Weekly.

CBC News Report Doesn't Offer Much Hope for a Reduction in Mexican Drug Violence.

Obama Ends Bush Lawsuit Policy to Benefit Consumers.

L.A. Teachers: Tony Villaraigosa One Stupid Ass Mayor.

Craig's List Grandstanding by SC Pol Making Him Look Like a Jackass.

Reward Offered for Stolen Hard Drive Containing Personal Info of Former Clinton Staffers. Now THAT is Homeland Security We Can Believe in (or NOT!).

Regular Law Enforcement, Not Invasive Random Civilian Wiretapping, Shuts Down Bomb Plot.

Homophobic San Diego School Stigmatizes Student in the Name of Conservative Correctness.

With Seemingly Half of Florida in Foreclosure, Closet Case Crist to Sign Bill Easing Oversight of Developers.

Is Obama Insane? Proposes to Share Nuclear Technology With UAE.

NY Democrat Assemblyman Gets Ten Years in the Slammer for Racketeering.

I'm an Environmentalist, But You Gotta Know When to Pick Your Spots: Tree Huggers Hinder Green Development.

WashingtonState May Levey $2 Beer Tax to Fund Health Care.

How Mass Transit Becomes Inefficient: A Classic Case Study.

Stadium Huckster Trying to Bamboozle Portland (Oregon). Kansas City Template for That Project Failing.

Portland (Oregon) to Finally End Abstinence Only Sex Education.

Evangelist Buys Way into Notoriously Secular Portland.

Democrat Provided Tax Breaks Result in Debt for Oregon.

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